Update and Report on Jobs Lost to Automation 


Automation has led many Americans to worry about job security, and it’s important to understand where exactly these fears are coming from. After all, not all industries are created equal, with technology replacing human jobs at a much higher rate in some fields. To further understand the impact of artificial intelligence on employment, our data analysis team concluded:

  • Automation is predicted to displace 20 million manufacturing jobs by 2030.

  • The US is home to 310,700 industrial robots, and that number increases by at least 40,000 each year.

  • Automation has the potential to eliminate 73 million US jobs by 2030, which would equate to a staggering 46% of the current jobs.

  • 37% of Americans are worried about automation displacing them from their jobs.

  • 85% of Americans approve of automation only in jobs that are dangerous or unhealthy for humans.

  • The installation of industrial robots has increased at a 10.28% compound annual growth rate over the past decade.

  • 25% of American jobs are highly susceptible to automation.

  • Globally, there are 3.5 million operating industrial robots as of 2021 — a 17% increase from 2020.


Automation has an impact today, and will continue to affect workers in the future. To understand these effects further, we’ve gathered some general facts about automation. For example, our research has shown that over the next decade, job loss due to automation will become a more pressing issue. Here are other facts:

  • 25% of US jobs are experiencing high levels of disruption due to automation.
    36 million US jobs have a high potential for automation, while 52 million American jobs have a
    medium risk of disruption. 57 million jobs fit into the “low-risk” category, but it’s clear that almost every job will be affected by automation in some way


There are millions of robots in factories around the world building our cars, creating delivery routes for the goods we consume, and making our lives easier. Here is an interesting fact: did you know that most of the work those machines do was once performed by humans?

The jobs lost to automation statistics listed in this article will help you see the good and the bad sides of automation, a process that is simultaneously benefiting and hurting us. Read on to find out how.

Top Jobs Lost to Automation Statistics: Editor’s Choice

  • 2.25 million industrial robots are currently in use around the world.

  • 1.7 million manufacturing jobs have been lost to automation so far.

  • Up to 20 million manufacturing jobs could be lost to robots by 2030.

  • 25% of jobs in the US are at a high risk of automation.

  • 1.6 manufacturing jobs are lost for every new robot.

  • Automation will create 133 million jobs by 2022.

How Many Jobs Have Been Lost to Automation?

1. 2.25 million industrial robots are currently in use around the world.

For the past 20 years, the number of robots in use has tripled. And this trend is nowhere close to slowing down. The number of robots taking over jobs is expected to climb to 20 million in the next 10 years. By 2030, China is set to have as many as 14 million industrial robots.

2. 1.7 million manufacturing jobs have been lost to automation so far.

Automation statistics show that—as the number of robots has been steadily growing for the past two decades—the amount of jobs lost due to technology has followed suit. Since 2000, 1.7 million jobs have been lost to automation in the manufacturing industry alone.

3. Just one of the occupations listed in the 1950 US Census has been lost to automation.

If we look at the 1950 US census we will see that, out of the 270 detailed occupations listed, just one has dropped out due to automation. According to the robots taking over jobs statistics, this occupation is “elevator operator”. These stats also reveal that 232 of the occupations listed still exist today, while 32 were lost due to the loss of demand.

4. 37% of young American workers are worried about automation.

Over a third of American workers aged 18-24 worry about the connection between automation and job loss. This is understandable, as job loss statistics show that a large chunk of the population in this age group works in positions that can be easily automated.

Retail, automotive, marketing, and logistics workers are reporting the highest levels of fear of unemployment due to automation.

5. Over 3.5 million truckers are worried about self-driving trucks.

Recent advances in AI have led to millions of truck drivers around the US feeling worried about their jobs. Can the impact of automation on employment be felt in this industry?

The answer is both yes and no; AI replacing jobs statistics indicate that, while the transportation industry is bound to be affected by automation in a major way, self-driving trucks are not something that is likely to replace real drivers any time soon. The self-driving features are likely going to be implemented into trucks fairly soon, but human operators will remain necessary in the foreseeable future.

How Many Jobs Will Be Lost to Automation?

6. 70% of the jobs that could be automated are held by women.

According to research, automation highly threatens 1.5 million jobs in England. Jobs at risk of automation commonly include waiters, shelf-stackers, cashiers, and bar staff, among others. You can read more about this further down in this article. Most positions that are at high risk of being automated are held by women.

7. 25% of jobs in the US are at high risk of being automated.

A quarter of all work positions in the US could join the list of jobs that have been replaced by technology. Jobs lost to robots statistics point out that these occupations are mostly in the service and manufacturing industry. All of them involve repetitive and skill-wise undemanding work, and machines could perform at least 70% of it. The total number of jobs that face high exposure to automation is 36 million.

Another 36% of job positions in the US are at a medium risk of automation, as machines can perform 30-70% of these tasks. 

8. 1.6 manufacturing jobs are lost for every new robot.

Automation and job loss statistics show that a single robot implemented into the manufacturing industry replaces 1.6 workers. A worrying fact in this trend is that the robot-replaced manufacturing workers are likely to move on to industries that are equally susceptible to automation, such as transport, maintenance, and construction. Automation and unemployment seem to be going hand in hand for these workers.

9. Up to 20 million manufacturing jobs could be lost to robots by 2030.

The manufacturing industry alone could lose as many as 20 million job positions in the next 10 years, as technological unemployment statistics and estimates suggest. This number of jobs lost to robots is set to have a major impact, as it represents 8.5% of the global manufacturing workforce.

10. Up to 375 million jobs could be lost to automation by 2030.

Estimates show that between 75 and 375 million workers around the world and across all industries might be out of work due to automation by 2030. This means that the number of jobs lost to automation by 2030 will account for 3-14% of the world’s workforce.

11. Jobs that require a bachelor’s degree have an average automation potential of 24%.

According to robots taking jobs statistics, positions that require a bachelor’s degree face the lowest risk of being automated. Job loss due to automation is least likely among higher-educated workers, as well as in those who earn more, but there’s still some potential for it, depending on the field.


  • 1.7 million jobs have been lost to automation since 2000.

  • In England, 1.5 million jobs are in danger of being automated.

  • 25% of mundane and repetitive jobs are at risk of automation.

  • 375 million jobs are expected to vanish by 2030.

  • Artificial intelligence will displace 40% of jobs worldwide in the next 15 years.

  • Artificial intelligence will generate 2.3 million jobs starting in 2020.

These are staggering figures, and we’ll dig deep to discover the trends behind them.
